
Antibiotics and Oral Contraception - an Interaction Assessment

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Survey Informed Consent

Project Title: Antibiotics and Oral Contraception - an Interaction Assessment

IRB Approved Project #: IRB-FY20-21-202

Principle Investigator: Dr. Teresa Bailey, PharmD, Ferris State University
Email: teresabailey@ferris.edu
Phone: (269) 352-7781

Co-Investigator: Cassandra Falk, PharmD, MPH Candidate 2022, Ferris State University
Email: kolkac@ferris.edu
Phone: (989) 370-8973

You are invited to participate in an anonymous, voluntary survey on the combination of antibiotics and oral contraception. You are being asked to participate because you are either a pharmacy intern or current pharmacist. The researchers are interested in your prior knowledge on this drug therapy combination. They are also interested in understanding what resources you utilize to obtain further information on the topic. Lastly, they are interested in assessing the interest/need for further educational opportunities on this topic.

The survey is 16 questions. We estimate that it will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete. Information will be collected through a variety of question types including multiple choice and ranking. There is also one open response question. Your participation will be complete when you reach the thank you screen.

Information collected in this survey will be used by Cassandra Falk, a Ferris State University PharmD and MPH student, to complete her doctoral project required for graduation. Information collected may also be used to guide the development of a continuing education opportunity for pharmacists.

The survey data will be collected anonymously through QuestionPro and recorded within QuestionPro software and Excel spreadsheets. This information will be maintained and secured by the researchers for three years.

You may refuse to answer any question you do not wish to answer, or you may exit the survey at any time. Additionally, participation or non-participation in this study will not impact your relationship, employment, or academic standing with Ferris State University.

Lastly, if you have questions about this study, please contact the Principal Investigator, Teresa Bailey, listed above. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a participant, contact the Ferris State University Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Human Participants at: 1010 Campus Drive, FLITE 410G, Big Rapids, MI 49307, (231) 591-2553, or IRB@ferris.edu. 

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